Consultations & Services
How it works
Our Menopause Consultations are individualised and designed with you in mind, to provide help, support and the information you need, so you can take control of your menopause. Firstly it’s important for you to know Menopause is a completely normal part of a women’s journey in life. The consultation will be both holistic in nature, and provide you with up-to-date evidence-based solutions, to help you understand your symptoms and discuss the treatments available. We treat women who are on a perimenopausal and menopausal, the consultation will be approximately 45 minutes. We will send you a menopause symptom questionnaire, which will need to be completed prior to your consultation.
We also have a very knowledgeable Registered Dietitian, our diet is even more significant during this hormonal transition. Book an appointment with Jemma who will guide and advise you in exploring a diet to best cope with your body changes.
HRT Patient Diary
To start your journey, you might find it helpful to download this diary to keep a record of how you are feeling prior to your appointment.
Download HRT Patient Diary (PDF)
Please contact us if you would like to discuss a payment plan.
Initial Menopause Consultation
- Dr Alison Elsey: £265
Follow – up Menopause Consultation
- Dr Alison Elsey: £175
Additional Charges
- Private Prescription Fee: £25
- Private Prescription yearly fee: £70
- Advisory call, 15 minutes with Dr.Alison Elsey: £25
Blood Tests
While not necessary for a diagnosis, we may request certain blood tests to help guide treatment or understand more about your health. Patients have the option of coming into our clinic in for their blood test Blood tests are usually returned within 7days. If you haven’t heard after this time please contact the clinic. Once we have your results, our Nurse will call you to discuss your options.
Menopause Decisions 1 £95
Oestriol, Testosterone, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
Why we might suggest this test:
There are certain occasions where checking hormonal levels can be helpful. For example, if we are uncertain that HRT is being delivered to your body at a therapeutic level. Or prior to trialling testosterone therapy.Menopause Decisions 2 £60
Testosterone, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
Why we might suggest this test:
If you are using testosterone then it is required to check your levels after 3 months and then yearly once stable to ensure you remain within the recommended therapeutic range.Menopause Decisions 3 £80
Vitamin B12, Intrinsic factor
Why we might suggest this test:
We might suggest this test if you present with any symptoms that could also be related to vitamin B12 deficiency. Intrinsic factor is a protein that helps the absorption of B12. Patients that do not have an antibody against this could absorb B12 orally, though patients may prefer to have IM injections. These are very effective and fast acting at restoring B12 levels.Active B12 £50
Why we might suggest this test:
If you are not having B12 injections then B12 testing can help identify a deficiency.Thyroid function £60
Why we might suggest this test:
We may suggest this test if you have not previously had this checked and suffer from any symptoms that could be related to possible undiagnosed thyroid disease. Such as fatigue or weight gain.FSH £50
Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Why we might suggest this test:
There are some occasions where symptoms alone might not help us identify menopause. For example, NICE guidance suggests 2 FSH levels can be checked 6 weeks apart to help aid diagnosis.